
Pure Consciousmess is the blog home of Evan Muller, task-chair philosopher, perpetual beginner, and average everyday mess of a human being.

This blog is dedicated to providing practical tools to eliminate needless suffering from our lives, escape the cycle of reactivity, and live with intention in the pursuit of our best selves.

Meditation is the most well known way to cultivate mindfulness. But many people are intimidated by the idea, don’t know where to begin, or simply don’t dig it. The good news is that you can cultivate mindfulness in any area of your life, without meditation.

The writings contained herein borrow wisdom from literature, philosophy, and religion and attempt to synthesize them into practical and applicable tools for modern life.

Let go of your stories. Leave your past behind. Embrace the emptiness of life and the possibilities that lie within.

Know that you are perfect in your imperfection. You are complete. You are…

Pure. Conscious. Mess.